It’s the start of the week. You head to the office and you’re ready to get things done. You have a long list of projects waiting for you. Meetings. Finalizing a presentation. Social media posts. More meetings, which will likely result in another project. Your list seems to keep growing. How are you going to get everything finished and meet your deadlines?
You’re frustrated. You are the one who knows how to do all of these tasks. But there never seems to be enough time to make the progress you need. You’ve considered delegating, but it would take you a while to teach someone. And you don’t want to spend the money to pay an outside consultant to take over something that you can do yourself. So you continue to chip away at your tasks.
Last year, my life took a big turn. Into our once quiet house came a puppy with boundless energy!
As cute as could be, Murphy stole my heart the first time I saw his picture. Through the years, we’ve had cats, fish, and even frogs. But never a dog. I wanted to start with a puppy so we could watch him learn and grow. After all, teaching him right habits from the start seemed like the best option. And teaching tricks would be fun. How hard could the training really be? (All of you experienced dog owners can stop laughing now!)
Over the past nine months, I have learned a lot about what it takes to raise and train a puppy. I’ll admit, it’s a lot more work than I imagined. Surprisingly, some of the lessons have reminded me of some leadership best practices. Good leaders of teams have these skills. They use them to lead, direct and motivate their team.
One of the common marketing buzzwords is “content.” Sharing content is important to give your audience information that interests them. It’s even more important to follow some simple rules that will help your it make even more of an impact.